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April 17, 2024
UI/UX Design

VR Myths in the UI UX Design World

The advancements of VR, AR, and AI led to a revolution in the world of UI UX design. So, what are the myths of VR in UI UX design?
Gabriel Pana
April 17, 2024
VR technology and UI UX design

Everything is changing, we have to admit that.

Technology takes more and more time out of our lives and experiences. It comes up with new ways of interaction, task management tools, or doing groceries. Or even creating tools for creating UI UX designs faster by trying to simplify every move.

More recently we have come up with solutions that before might have seemed out of an SI Fi movie, helping us immerse ourselves into the digital design world. With the advancements of AI, machine learning, Virtual reality, or augmented reality we have the capability to create an environment where everything you could have imagined became possible. And, the gaming industry takes advantage the most of all of those discoveries, creating platforms in which their users can become part of the games.

However, the whole industry is still emerging, and as with every new discovery, it was taken with a grain of salt by humanity which created a few assumptions. But before we dive into that we should find out how  

The History of VR

You might think that VR is one of the latest innovations, but in reality, Virtual Reality has been around for decades, and it has only recently started to make its way into our everyday activities, like games and learning. The first primitive form of a VR dates back to the late ‘60s when the first VR HMD was created, only exposing simple, virtual wireframes. 

A few years later, virtual Reality has already been used for museum exhibits with interactive displays. As example, The Treasures of King Tutankhamun (1977) at the Houston Virtual Tour, Pompeii's ancient ruins, or walking down Venice's Grand Canal while listening to Mozart's music played on traditional gondoliers' instruments.

Fast forward, VR headsets are starting to be used in art galleries to make the exhibits more immersive and interactive for visitors. These virtual experiences bring viewers closer than ever to artists and their work while also allowing them to create their own art using virtual reality software such as Tilt Brush or Oculus Quill.

The possibilities are endless! With their immersive nature, immersive experiences will allow us more significant insights into how others interpret reality through different perspectives. Imagine that instead of having only one version displayed at any given time, multiple versions were available simultaneously; this could lead us into uncharted territory when we consider how each version affects social norms surrounding topics such as gender roles within the culture at large.

Virtual Reality is not only providing new ways to view art, games, medicine or learn but also enabling us to experience the world in ways that were previously impossible, changing the way we experience the world of UI UX design, games, art, and many more.

VR in The World of UI UX Design

The advancements of VR, AR, and AI led to a revolution in the world of UI UX design. A new approach is UX UI design, challenging the long-standing paradigms and techniques that have been associated with the design process. VR introduces a world where designers can create and make interactions into a fluid ground where volumes are no longer just a two-dimensional approach. 

In the world of VR, UI/UX designers are no longer only creating the right layout, positioning elements, buttons, and cards. Instead, they are creating user experiences that immerse the user into their creations, they are crafting alternative dimensions in which the user experience can not be compared with the one from a traditional UI/UX design. 

An immersive and intuitive state of user experience in virtual reality needs to offer a captivating and deductible movement, functionality being set apart.  A setting stone for a Virtual reality experience to succeed is the power of intuitively, which sustains an environment where the users interpret the design process as natural and flawless. 

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The Myths about VR in UI UX Design

  • VR and AR are the same – We can all agree that most of us, at some point in our lives thought that VR and AR are the same. AR stands for augmented reality and it’s a technology that superimposes digital material on top of the actual world, allowing you to get immersed in a game that interacts with your surroundings. If you remember Pokemon GO, well it’s about that. VR, on the other hand, merges the user into another reality. As its name implies, VR has the goal of creating a fictional world, where users leave the actual world and encounter a new environment.
  • VR training programs – In the past, this might have been the case, but in recent years more and more training  VR programs are surfacing. Even more so, more investments and start-ups are developing in this field. So, plenty of training programs are appearing on the market.
  • Is too expensive to scale – Although this used to be true, times have changed and the industry has too. The scalability of VR has become one of its strongest points and devices as Oculus GO created environments where scalability can happen easily. 
  • You don’t need too much space – Space can be a great ally when entering the unknown world of VR. However, it mostly depends on the experience we expect to have. If we are looking for a more static environment, such as a flight simulator, we won’t require much space. However, if we are on a video game that will get us from one space to another and requires physical activity, it’s better to stay away from fragile furniture. 
  • You will feel seek using it – Everyone experiences virtual reality differently. Everyone interprets differently and while might feel a little dizzying or nauseous while using it doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. However, as long as you don’t give it a try you won’t be able to see whether it is or is not the device for you.

uinkits – Our Figma Design System and UI Kits

We at uinkits understand the importance of inputs in great user experiences and creating amazing UI designs. That’s why we’ve developed a Figma UI Kit with design components that include these essential UI elements that enable you to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces effortlessly.

“You press the button, we do the rest.” – Kodak.

Inspired by this iconic tagline from Kodak, we believe in simplifying the design process for you. Our Figma UI Kit, uinkits, is a complete design system with UI components that allows you, as a UI UX designer, to create your products as quickly as pressing a button. 

Our design system includes UI components, icons, variables, cards, buttons and everything you need for your design process. All you have to do is take your UI design component needed, and you’re ready to use it in your designs!

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Gabriel Pana
April 10, 2024
Gabriel Pana
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