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Figma Design System and UI Kits!
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Let's Design The Future
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Access beautifully designed mobile app kits, with pre-designed user interface elements, interactive components, and stylish templates. Download now and get a head start on your next project!

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The interface is thoughtfully crafted to provide an intuitive and visually
appealing experience.

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Designed for a user-friendly experience, offering easy access to a diverse range of resources and kits.
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APP Kits

Get access to our Uinkits App Kits designed by our professional UI/UX designers with the Uinkits UI Pro design system. We have App Kits from many industries and domains, including Tech and Finance (or contact us to build it). 

uinkits Financial App Cover
Figma UI Components by uinkits

More Efficient

Uinkits App Kits are 10x smarter and more efficient than ever! We have meticulously designed the UI elements with 100% Auto Layout 5.0, smart variants, and Figma’s latest variables features.
From Home Pages, Login, Setting pages, and so many other useful and beautifully designed screens – you can easily mix and match between the pages to create the perfect UI design for your app.

Auto Layout 5.0
Smarter and more efficient

Kickstart Your
UI/UX Design Process

We know how scary it is to see a blank page and have to start from scratch – this is why we decided to give you a head start! You can customize, change, and develop your screen pages according to your preferences. Or you can simply leave it like this – we included everything you need to launch your product as well.

uinkits AI Chat Bot App Kit
Figma UI Rating by uinkits

"Our design process used to be chaotic, but since implementing this design system, everything just flows smoothly. It's a time-saver and a creativity booster!"

Figma UI Rating by uinkits
“Our clients are so impressed with the quality and efficiency of our projects. And it’s all thanks to the design system from this company.”
Pretto Management

Our Favorite Customer

You're curious about what our customers and community of UI/UX designers are saying about our uinkits Design System and UI Kits? Check it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still thinking about it? Here are some of the questions that our users had about our uinkits Design System and UI Kits.

Why do I need a UI kit?

We started uinkits from the same desire you have - to create beautifully designed apps, websites, and more. And we wanted to do that faster and easier. What we realized doing so was that we could also help other UI UX designers.

It’s true - designing a UI and a UX for an app or a website takes time. And this is we have launched uinkits with pre-made, pre-designed, and ready-to-use UI components - so you don’t ever have to start from scratch again. 

What would have taken us 5 hours to create now takes us 15 minutes (and much less stress). The time that was once dedicated to designing a single project can now be spent developing not just one but five projects. And even on spending more time with potential clients and learning their needs.

The other massive benefit is that you can re-use elements, re-use designs, and play with your ideas, building something that responds to real needs - all with just a few clicks.

Who can use a design system or UI Kit?

Everyone - the purpose of a great design system is that it can easily be adopted by you, by your team, or by everyone else. It can be adapted to any idea you and your team have - to ensure you can build and test it faster. This ensures you can launch 2-3x times faster when working with an end-to-end design system and our uinkits APP, DASHBOARD, and WEBSITE Kits. With our design system and UI kits, everyone is a designer. 

Do I need a team license?

Depending on how you want to work with our uinkits design system or our uinkits UI kits. You can have a solo license, a team license, and even an enterprise license for more than 10 users. You can easily consider any from uinkits UI, uinkits UI PRO Team, uinkits UI PRO Enterprise, our UI Kits, and more.

How do I purchase a license for my entire team?

Depending on your team’s needs and your design process, you can purchase a license that can be shared with everyone else on your team:uinkits UI PRO Team – for small teams of up to 5 usersuinkits UI PRO Enterprise – for large teams with 10+ users.

Is there a free version available?

Yes, we have a uinkits UI FREE version available for you that includes the essential features needed to create your project – whether for website design or mobile app design. The same license agreement and terms and conditions also apply to the uinkits UI FREE version.

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