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Empty States - UI Element

Empty States - UI Element

‍What Does Empty State Mean in UI/UX Design?

Empty states happen when the content of an item can’t be shown. Empty states can display in UI/UX design a wide collection of elements including list items, search bars that return no results, animations, or illustrations.

Empty States in UI Design
Empty States by uinkits

Types of Empty States in UI/UX Design

  • Let’s get started – This state occurs usually when first entering an input or page. As the users have not entered, created or modified the items that need to appear there.
  • Waiting for you – These states appear when the input hasn’t yet been created and it indicates that the user needs to complete the field.
  • Come back soon – This state is used when the data that should be provided is not ready yet.
  • Everything looks great –  This state is used when the user completes all the necessary fields or tasks.
  • Upgrade now – This state appears when the user doesn’t have the necessary subscription that can sustain the features.
  • No results found – This empty state is used when the search system does not find the needed information.

When To Use An Empty State?

  • When a certain app, site, or website is not launched let the users know that it will appear soon.
  • Help the users see if they entered an unknown input.
  • Empty states have the meaning of filling empty fields when the data is missing and can be displayed everywhere on a design.
  • They can be encountered when errors such as permission issues, system issues, or configurations are required to happen.
  • Empty states can be used to highlight the fact that the user needs to do a certain task or that they can get started.

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How To Use An Empty State - Guidelines

  • Empty states can be encountered anywhere and are joined by an image related to the situation or text, icons, buttons, or CTA.
  • An empty state needs to replace the space an element would have occupied, creating a more aesthetically pleasing interface.
  • Use basic elements that are deductible and can be understood easily by the user.
  • Be clear and precise about the missing data.
  • Keep the word count low and fast to read.
  • In the situation where the users need to complete the following step include CTA or buttons.

Use the Empty States UI Element in Your UI/UX Designs With uinkits

Our uinkits system is a Figma Design System and UI Kits that include UI components that allow you, as a UI UX designer, to create your design products as quickly as pressing a button. You can find empty states and everything you need to create the perfect product design in Figma – all in just a few clicks. All you have to do is take the UI design component you need, and you’re ready to use it in your designs!

So, get your uinkits package and start designing now!

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