Websites and apps are used for various purposes. So many, in fact, that it would be practically impossible for us to list them all here! However, one of the most common traits between different web pages is that they present multiple options. And oftentimes, as UI UX designers, we want our users to select an option from the number we give them. Sliders offer us the opportunity to do this.
For example, if we ran a real estate platform, one of the first things our users would want to do is to select the location, the number of rooms, the amenities, but also certain aspects such as the price range that suits their budget. So let’s see how sliders help them achieve just that!
A slider is the UI component that allows users to select the range or the value from a pre-defined set of options. When applied correctly to a user interface, sliders can significantly improve the user experience. There are many cases in which the exact value is not as relevant to the users as we may think, but rather the range.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of sliders, we should understand what components make them up.
- Container. The container is the design component, in the form of a box, that covers the entire slider and sets it apart from the background.
- Slide. This component allows UI UX designers to insert different data such as titles, texts, photos, buttons, and so on.
- Navigation. In a slider, navigation allows users to action it, by setting a value. Navigation comes in various shapes, such as arrows, dots, and many other controls.
- Pagination. This element is not mandatory for a slider, and it comes more as an additional component for navigation.
If we want to integrate sliders into our UI UX designs, we need to be familiar with the types we can choose from, depending on the context of a website or an app.
- Single Point: This is the most basic form a slider can take. Due to its flexibility, it can be used for most websites and applications when users need to set a value.
- Dual Range: Also known as double sliders, they are most commonly used in price and budget range selections. Compared to single-point sliders, the dual-range slider allows users to set a minimum and a maximum value. A good example would be for someone who is looking for an apartment and they want to select the desired price range for it.
As user interface elements, sliders follow a few design principles that UI UX designers need to pay attention to during the creative process.
- Size. Because sliders are UI elements, they need to support visual coherence and be designed in accordance with the overall aesthetic of the page. The three sizes in which sliders they come are small, medium, and large. However, as they are not a priority, sliders do not need to take up too much space in the document. It is also worth noting that sliders that are too small in size will lose usability, as users struggle to manipulate it.
- State. As UI UX designers, we also need to pay attention to the slider states. There are three states in which a slider can find itself - default, active (also known as dragging), and disabled. Besides these, some sliders may also showcase additional states, such as error, enabled, and focus.
- Update. One of the most important properties of a slider is that it needs to change and update the numeric value in real-time as the user is making adjustments to it by dragging or pressing. Unless the slider performs this function, it will lack any utility on the user interface.
- Layout. Depending on the type of app or website they are integrated into, sliders can be vertical or horizontal. It is essential that their layout supports the usability of the page, as it can directly impact the user experience.
- Range. Although sliders can be very helpful, it is important to know exactly for what ranges they are used for. For example, the 1-3 range would not justify the implementation of a slider. In the same way, ranges such as 1-10000 may just be too excessive.
- Label. One aspect that we should take into account during the design process of sliders is the addition of labels. Using sliders alongside labels can simplify the comprehension process for users, as well as enhance the UX. Labels can both be numerical or with text.
There are multiple occasions when integrating a slider into the website or app design can be suitable.
- Options. One of the most common uses for sliders is on websites and apps where we are presented with multiple options to choose from.
- Limits. In many cases, limits are necessary, and sliders allow users to explore these limits in a quick and accessible manner.
- Interaction. A great advantage of integrating sliders is that they can increase user interaction. Instead of asking users to manually type in data, it is a lot more convenient to attach sliders as an alternative.
We at uinkits understand the importance of inputs in great user experiences and creating amazing UI designs. That’s why we’ve developed a Figma UI Kit with design components that include these essential UI elements that enable you to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces effortlessly.
“You press the button, we do the rest,” – Kodak.
Inspired by this iconic tagline from Kodak, we believe in simplifying the design process for you. Our Figma UI Kit, uinkits, is a complete design system with UI components that allows you, as a UI UX designer, to create your products as quickly as pressing a button.
Our design system includes components, icons, variables, cards, buttons, and everything you need for your design process. All you have to do is take your UI design component needed, and you’re ready to use it in your designs!