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May 17, 2024
UI/UX Resources

10 Best Figma Plugins Every UI UX Designer Needs in 2024

Figma plugins are essential in covering the different needs of UI/UX designers. We have compiled a list of 10 of the best Figma plugins available on the market.
Cristi Fonea
May 17, 2024
10 Figma Plugins Every UI UX Designer Needs

It is nearly impossible to find a UI UX designer who has not heard about Figma. And when it comes to the design process we have plugins that will help us find the best solution for our design. Designing is about exercising your creativity and training yourself to come up with ideas in situations you wouldn’t.

And when creativity doesn’t seem to make its presence felt, we might as well try and brainstorm with our teams. Brainstorming is the process where a group discussion can trigger certain ideas. It’s a technique that combines the power of creativity for a common outcome – coming up with the best ideas. And it seems that Figma stands for the same principles, working together towards a common goal. 

So, Figma created plugins, giving the community the chance to improve and come up with solutions they found mandatory on the platform. 

What Is Figma?

Figma is a web-based app that allows us to do all kinds of graphic design work, from creating mobile app design interfaces to prototyping and wireframing websites. Compared to other design editing tools, one of Figma's main focuses is collaboration, making it an excellent alternative for creative teams to share and develop ideas. Figma allows us to operate directly on a browser. Figma UI kits help designers easily create user interface projects.

What Are Figma Plugins?

Figma plugins are programs and apps created by any member of the community to extend the functionality and the properties of the editor. The purpose of plugins is to cover all needs that might appear and were not available in Figma. So, plugins can be encountered as files, fulfill different actions, and make your work more efficient. 

Who Can Create Figma Plugins?

Well, pretty much anyone can create Figma plugins. So, if you find anything that you think would help any other Figma user, creating plugins is the way you can help them.  Even more so, as you get to understand how Figma works and what designs need to be the best designs you can create more complex Figma plugins. 

So, here is a curated list of the best Figma plugins that everyone can use in their design process.

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What Are the Best Figma Plugins in 2024?

1. Unsplash

As the old saying goes A picture is worth a thousand words” and this is why Unsplash created a plugin that makes your design catch life. A design without photos is just deprived of the power of sharing a message or creating a feeling. Unsplash does just that, it allows images to be used in different designs helping the client understand better how the design would look like. 

Even more so, with a subscription, you can use the photos freely without their watermark. So Unsplash can become your go-to when looking for photos to implement in your design, offering a fast solution when looking for photos and importing them seems too time-consuming. 

2. Autoflow

Another great Figma plugin available in Figma is Autoflow. This plugin has the power to automatically arrange your design elements into a flowchart. So, if you are creating wireframes and prototypes you can try out autoflow and see how it works. Even more so, the plugin is available on Windows and Mac. Autoflow is as easy as it can get when it comes to usage, only the selection of the design elements you want to be included in the flowchart.

3. Remove BG

This Figma plugin allows you to make changes to your design. Remove BG is a community plugin created to quickly remove the background from the photos. So, if you need only the lament from the picture and Photoshop it’s not your primary skill you can use Remove BG and have the background erased from the images.

4. Font Awesome

Every design needs icons. They give life and make the design more fun and sometimes even deductible. When you see a little home icon you know is the homepage, when you see a heart or a start you know that there is a place where you find your favorite or appreciated items, and a bookmark means a post is saved. 

Font Awesome is one of the biggest icon libraries available, the plugging offering you the option of integrating icons to your website using HTML or shortcode handlers. The plugin also helps you adjust the size and color of your icons.

5. Flaticon

Another Figma plugin that offers icons is Flaction. But sometimes icons are not enough, so they also introduced the use of stickers. Flation has over a million icons and stickers that can be used easily and integrated into your design. So, if you are looking for a way to make your design more colorful and enjoyable you can use the Flation plugin and give your project the spark needed. 

6. Icons8

This Figma plugin has it all and it is a UI UX designer’s best friend. You can find fere everything you need from icons, and illustrations to photos, making sure your design has all the elements required to be full of life. With the Icons8 plugin, you can create any design you need and find the necessary items, as their library holds over 3,000,000+ elements available. 

And, if you need PNG icons, they have over 100px free, some free SVG categories as well, and flat or 3D illustrations available with their Figma plugin. 

7. Tokenstudio

With this plugin, you can integrate design tokens into any Figma design. It is created by Figma and it helps designers define small pieces of data like colors, typography, and spacing to define the design elements. 

8. Lorem Ipsum

Creating a design that looks and feels real will require text, and if you don’t know or have the text yet, you might need a plugin that does this work for you. And the Lorem Ipsum plugin is the one that does just that. 

When presenting the design to the client you need to be as explicit as possible, and if prototyping can be done you can use the Lorem Ipsum plugin to create the texts for your projects and give the design a real feel. 

9. html.to.design

This Figma plugin is a lifesaver when time it’s not in your favor. It is a plugin created by Figma and Chrome to help designers convert any website into an editable Figma design. So, it gives you the ability to edit, make changes, and use elements from any design available. 

10. Figma to Webflow

This plugin was created by the Webflow team and it helps designer transform their design into production-ready designs. This plugin can be used in Figma and it gives the ability to transform static design into Webflow HTML and CSS programming languages.

No matter what Figma plugin you choose, one thing is clear: they will help you design faster, better, and more efficiently. So, make sure you use these Figma plugins at their maximum

uinkits – Our Figma Design System and UI Kits

We at uinkits understand the importance of inputs in great user experiences and creating amazing UI designs. That’s why we’ve developed a Figma UI Kit with design components that include these essential UI elements that enable you to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces effortlessly.  

“You press the button, we do the rest,” – Kodak.

Inspired by this iconic tagline from Kodak, we believe in simplifying the design process for you. Our Figma UI Kit, uinkits, is a complete design system with UI components that allows you, as a UI UX designer, to create your products as quickly as pressing a button.

Our design system includes components, icons, variables, cards, buttons, and everything you need for your design process. All you have to do is take your UI design component needed, and you’re ready to use it in your designs!

Discover Uinkits System!

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Cristi Fonea
May 17, 2024
Cristi Fonea
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