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UI/UX Inspiration
UI/UX Inspiration
Why UI/UX Design Is The Way to Boost Sales
July 19, 2024

Why UI/UX Design Is The Way to Boost Sales

One of the many benefits of having a good UI/UX design for an app or website is that it can significantly increase sales. How can we apply this to our business?
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UI/UX Inspiration
Website Ideas for UI UX Designers
July 18, 2024

Website Ideas for UI UX Designers

Are you looking for inspiration for your UI/UX designs and website designs? We've got you covered with the best websites in terms of UI design and UX design.
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UI/UX Inspiration
Types of Color Palettes for Your UI/UX Design
July 12, 2024

Types of Color Palettes for Your UI/UX Design

Colors have the power to change a design. However, choosing the best color palette for our UI/UX designs is an art. So, here are the types of color palettes.
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UI/UX Inspiration
Where to Find Your Inspiration as a UI UX Designer?
May 14, 2024

Where to Find Your Design Inspiration as a UI UX Designer?

As UI UX designers, we are influenced by the work of other designers – whether it’s from movies or complex UI UX designs. But where to find this inspiration?
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UI/UX Inspiration
Must-Read Books for UI/UX Design Principles in 2024
May 1, 2024

Must-Read Books for UI/UX Design Principles in 2024

It is essential to be familiar with the main UI/UX design principles. We have compiled a list of 15 must-read books on this subject just for you!
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UI/UX Inspiration
Why You Should Never Copy A UI UX Design
April 30, 2024

Why You Should Never Copy A UI UX Design

We often hear discussions about designers copying other designs. Why is that bad - is it just a matter of ethics, or do other UI UX elements come into play?
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UI/UX Inspiration
Can You Use ChatGPT for Your UI/UX Designs?
April 29, 2024

Can You Use ChatGPT for Your UI/UX Designs?

Let’s find out about the proper ways to use ChatGPT in our UI/UX designs, as well as other important details about this controversial AI chatbot.
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UI/UX Inspiration
Why Do We Save Our Apple Boxes? Apple Product Design
April 25, 2024

Why Do We Save Our Apple Boxes? Apple Product Design

Have you wondered where the urge to keep your Apple boxes comes from? The answer is much less about functionality and more about the power of UI UX design.
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UI/UX Inspiration
10 Design Principles of Dieter Rams
May 10, 2024

10 Design Principles of Dieter Rams

Whether it is a traditional design, web design, UI UX design, interior design, or any visual aesthetic you can imagine, it requires time and devotion.
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UI/UX Inspiration
The Psychology of UI Design
April 11, 2024

The Psychology of UI Design

To be a great UI UX designer, you need to be familiar with the psychology behind user interfaces. Read on to understand the psychology of UI design.
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UI/UX Inspiration
How to overcome creative block in UI UX design
April 9, 2024

UI UX Designers and the Creativity Paradox

Contrary to popular belief, and the technological resources that are currently available one click away, UI UX designers do not have more free time than ever.
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UI/UX Inspiration
A UX Design Case Study of How YouTube Keeps Us Watching
April 2, 2024

A UX Case Study of How YouTube Keeps Us Watching

We all know and love YouTube. But why is it so addictive and fun to watch? Let’s dive into the strategies used by YouTube to enhance the user experience.
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UI/UX Inspiration
How AI Is Changing The Way We Design
March 21, 2024

How AI Is Changing The Way We Design

Today, we are answering some of the more controversial questions in designers' minds, such as whether AI will replace them.
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UI/UX Inspiration
How To Overcome The Creative Block As a UI/UX Designer
March 19, 2024

How To Overcome The Creative Block as a UI/UX Designer

Going through a creative block can be extremely frustrating and discouraging. So, learn how to overcome this creative block as a UI/UX designer.
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UI/UX Inspiration
How many links to use for SEO
March 14, 2024

How Many Links in UI UX Designs Are Too Many?

Too many links on a page could decrease the chances of a well-performing website or app. Find out how you can integrate the use of links in your UI UX designs.
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UI/UX Inspiration
How to use toggle switches in UI design?
November 1, 2023

How To Use Toggle Switches in UI Design

Discover the toggle switch UI design element, from how it translates into the apps and website designs, to useful UI UX designer tips on how to create them.
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UI/UX Inspiration
What is a design system and the best design systems for your UI/UX design
August 5, 2023

What Is a Design System?

In this article, you will learn all about design systems: what they are, why they are important, who can use them, and what elements they have.
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UI/UX Inspiration
What is UI design, what does a UI designer do, and what is a UI kit?
August 1, 2023

What is UI Design? What is a UI Kit?

UI design (user interface design) represents the visuals of a product. And a UI designer takes care of what we interact with when using a digital product.
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